7 Important Facts About Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are a great way to treat issues with one or more teeth.

A dental veneer is a thin layer of either porcelain or composite material that is placed over a tooth or multiple teeth in order to restore the feel, function and appearance.

Facts about dental veneers

You may already know what a dental veneer is, but you might not know just how beneficial they can be or how the process of applying a dental veneer works.

In order to learn more and determine whether dental veneers are right for you, here are seven important facts about dental veneers.

1. Dental veneers can fix a wide range of flaws

Dental veneers can correct various issues, including:

  • Alleviating tooth sensitivity
  • Protecting enamel from damage(or further damage)
  • Reshaping and improving the appearance of your teeth
  • Lengthening short teeth
  • Covering up a chip or a crack in a tooth

2. Dental veneers are made of either porcelain or composite material

In most cases, dental veneers are made of either porcelain or composite material. Both materials are very strong and last for years and are the same color as a natural tooth. Dentist typically choose which material to use based on the tooth that needs to be covered.

3. Dental veneers give a natural look

The material used with dental veneers is, by nature, tooth-colored and so blends in incredibly well with natural teeth. Due to this, veneers can be used to cover up damaged enamel that has lead to the discoloration of a tooth, although a teeth cleaning procedure may be needed before applying the dental veneers.

4. Dental veneers are customized to fit your specific needs

Not all dental veneers are the same. In fact, every dental veneer is different and customized based on the reason it is being applied. Some dental veneers may be thicker if used for protection. In some cases, the dental veneer may be longer when used to lengthen a short or chipped tooth.

5. It takes, on average, one to three dental visits to place dental veneers

Dental veneers can take up to three dental visits, depending on the patient's needs. In most cases, the first visit is to get an impression of the teeth, and it may take one or two additional visits to appropriately apply the dental veneers.

6. Dental veneers do not require additional tooth care

Unlike various other teeth improvement options, such as dentures, dental veneers do not require any additional tooth care, other than the usual brushing, flossing and routine dental checkups.

7. Dental veneers can last for more than 20 years

Depending on how well they are taken care of, how often they are exposed to pressure and the material, dental veneers can, in many cases, last more than 20 years without needing to be replaced. However, it is still important to practice proper oral hygiene with dental veneers.

Are you considering dental veneers in the Sterling area? Get more dental veneers information at https://www.titandentalcare.com.

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