How to Deal With Dental Implant Anxiety

Curb Your Anxiety With Dental ImplantsThe imagination can create the worst interpretations of a scenario. Hearing the term “study-hall” makes children imagine a prison-style learning system. A person who has to wait in line at the DMV automatically imagines that the line will take all day. An individual, who hears that a surgeon will insert a titanium post into their jaw through a dental implant procedure, imagines a pain beyond some of the wildest imaginations.

Don’t avoid a necessary dental implant

In reality, dental implants are a common, safe and painless procedure. The fear associated with a dental implant is a view held by many and motivated from false stereotypes of dentistry. During a dental implant procedure, the patient will feel little to no pain. In fact, dental implants are more common than some people may realize.

The American Academy of Implant Dentistry, AAID, finds that 15 million people in the U.S. have crown and bridge replacements for missing teeth. The AAID also finds that over 35 million Americans are missing all of their teeth in one or both jaws. This common procedure is an effective and beneficial for patients in need of replacing a missing tooth.

People who struggle with dental anxiety are not alone in the struggle. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA, finds that at least 40 million adults in the U.S. struggle with an anxiety of some form. One bad experience at a dentist at a young age can lead to negative views and fears of visiting the dentist. People who struggle with dental anxiety may have experienced repeated unpleasant experiences at a dentist in the past.

Healthy ways to deal with dental anxiety

The most important fact about an implant procedure is that a patient will not feel any pain. The procedure will involve a professional installing the implant into the jawbone where the missing tooth used to be. After the procedure and once the patient has time to let the body adjust to the implant, the patient can receive a dental crown to cover the implant.

With a dental implant, the patient gains the appearance and functionality of a natural tooth. For patients who struggle with anxiety, here are a few methods that can help to ease the anxiety of a dental implant.

Speak to the dentist about the anxiety

Supported by the American Dental Association, ADA, explains that “Getting your concerns out in the open will let your dentist adapt the treatment to your needs.” By sharing the anxiety of a dental implant procedure with a dentist, the dentist can help to find a solution to help ease the anxiety.

Plan out the schedule

A dentist will go over all of the details for the implant procedure before the appointment date. With this in mind, the time of the appointment can help calm someone down. “Choose a time for your dental visit when you're less likely to be rushed or under pressure,” states. By doing this, the patient can feel more comfortable about the dental implant procedure and help to decrease anxiety.

Wear headphones

For a single implant, most dentists will use local anesthetic and not put the person under during the procedure. Although a nervous patient can ask about the possible anesthesia options, there is another option to help the patient relax. “Bring headphones so you can listen to your favorite music,” continues to “try visualizing yourself relaxing on a warm beach.” This may not work for everyone, but is an easy and affordable option to help ease the anxiety of a dental implant procedure.

It is important to note that each individual is unique and may require a different solution to deal with dental anxiety. Speak with your dentist about the anxiety over the dental implant procedure and find a solution that works for you.

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Titan Dental Care

At Titan Dental Care in Sterling, we will customize your treatment to match your needs and schedule. Our professional staff creates a calm atmosphere for you during the appointment and treatment process. We will identify any dental issues you are struggling with and find the best solution.

Our staff will create a calm and comforting atmosphere at the office to ease patients into the procedure. We can help prevent damage to your teeth and set you on track for a lifetime of pristine oral health. At Titan Dental Care, your dental health is our prime concern.

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