Dental Bridge or Dental Implant: Which Solution is Right for You?

Dental Bridge

DENTAL BRIDGE Or Dental Implant: Which Solution Is Right For You?

Those people who have had the misfortune of losing their natural teeth to decay, gum disease, or an accident and who wish to fill the gap in their smile will need to consider the best means to do so.  The traditional approach is that of a dental bridge which involves the placement of crowns on the tooth on each side of the gap and referred to as anchor teeth or abutment teeth. The bridge attached to the anchor teeth is called a pontic. The process usually takes two to three office visits to complete.

Due to the advancements in modern dentistry, there is another solution to consider which is known as a dental implant.  A dental implant requires three separate surgical procedures, the first procedure being the placement of a titanium cylinder within jawbone to act as a new tooth root. When this fresh artificial root has bonded to the jawbone the second procedural step involves placing a post to the artificial root, and in the final stage, a full crown is placed on the post, and a permanent 'new tooth' fills the former gap, with all emphasis on permanent!

Pregnant women, heavy smokers, those with a history of poor oral health habits, or with chronic diseases as uncontrolled diabetes, hemophilia, or immune deficiencies may not be a good candidate for a dental implant
however, that would need to be discussed with your dentist who best knows your mouth and teeth.

Dental Implant Pros

  • Dental implants can be brushed and cared for the same way you would care for your natural teeth.
  • Dental implants are more durable as the titanium 'root' can last a lifetime while the post or crown is usually good for 15 years.
  • Dental implants do not require support from the teeth on either side of the gap space.

Dental Implant Cons

  • A dental implant is a 3-step surgical process, and surgical procedures do carry risks. Dental implant surgical procedures include infection, nerve damage, possible jaw fracture, and potential damage to surrounding teeth.
  • A dental implant procedure is more costly than a bridge and may not be covered by dental insurance plan.
  • The entire process of a dental implant may take up to three months to complete as there must be time given for the newly implanted titanium root to grow into the gum and healing to take place.

Dental Bridge Pros

  • A dental bridge is a more straightforward process completed in two or three office visits versus the 3-month span of time of a dental implant.
  • Creating a dental bridge does not involve surgery.
  • Costs of creating a bridge vary depending on the type of bridge, but dental insurance usually covers dental bridges.

Dental Bridge Cons

  • Dental bridges, in general, will need to be repaired or replaced approximately every five to seven years.
  • There can be more up-keep needed for a dental bridge.
  • Creating dental bridges will require the support of adjacent teeth, which might mean crowns or removal of the tooth structure of the abutting teeth.

Do you have more questions or want clearification on any points above? Contact our office and we will be glad to help you make the right decision for you, your health, and your teeth.

Request an appointment in our Sterling dentist office here:

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